Suggested readings

To expand your knowledge and understanding of simulation, its practices, and its applications, consider the following texts.

Harrell, Charles; Ghosh, Biman; Bowden, Royce. 2003. Simulation Using ProModel. 2nd Edition; McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Law, A.M. and David W. Kelton. 1991. Simulation Modeling and Analysis. 2nd Edition, Chapter 4; McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Lewis, P. and E. Orav. 1989. Simulation Methodology for Statisticians, Operations Analysts, and Engineers. Volume I; Wadsworth & Brooks.

Harrell, Charles R. and Kerim Tumay. 1995. Simulation Made Easy. Industrial Engineering Press.

Banks, Jerry and John S. Carson, II. 1984. Discrete Event System Simulation. Prentice-Hall Inc.

Heizer, Jay and Barry Render. 1988. Production and Operations Management. Allyn and Bacon.

Carrie, Allan. 1988. Simulation of Manufacturing Systems. John Wiley & Sons.

Industrial Engineering & Management Press. 1987. Simulation: Modeling Manufacturing & Service Systems. Institute of Industrial Engineers.

Harrell, Charles R., Robert E. Bateman, Thomas J. Gogg, Jack R.A. Mott. 1993. System Improvement Using Simulation. JMI Consulting Group and PROMODEL Corporation.